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Hej, a może by tak wstawić swoje zdjęcie? To łatwe proste i szybkie. Poczujesz się bardziej jak u siebie.
Gutex1 - Superbojownik · 5 lat temu

tworzycie cywilizację i próbujecie rozpocząć podbój kosmosu.

arabek - Superbojownik · 5 lat temu
We first became aware of the Enfep in 2698. They reside on the barren planet Deogsosa in the Anfop system. They are playful, enthusiastic, and passive.

The Enfep have developed a simple system of writing, which they use primarily for record-keeping.

The Enfep have begun to watch the skies and recognize patterns in the movements of stars, which they use to navigate over great distances and keep track of time.

The Enfep have developed a sophisticated understanding of basic mathematics, such as arithmetic, algebra, and geometry.

The Enfep have domesticated a species of small fluffy creatures. The pets assist their Enfep owners with navigation in exchange for food and shelter.

The Enfep have learned how to catch water-dwelling creatures such as the agfap, which is now a staple part of the Enfep diet.

The Enfep have begun to cultivate crops. They are especially fond of seopmasa, a kind of bitter nut.

The Enfep use stone tools in a variety of contexts, including as weapons when hunting the wild degdose.

The Enfep have mastered the control of fire. They use it to cook their food, and to light their villages at night.

The Enfep have discovered how to forge molten metal into jewelry, tools, weapons, and armor.

The Enfep have begun to construct permanent dwellings and other structures. Wherever possible, they seem to prefer wood as a building material.

In 2901, many of the disparate Enfep tribes were united under a single banner by an individual known as Daepsesa the Merciful. The resulting empire has its capital at Sapfa Opfen and rules over approximately 11% of the entire Enfep population. Unusually for the Enfep, it is governed by a council of oligarchs.

The Enfep have begun to use lenses and mirrors made from polished crystal, glass, and water to redirect and focus light.

The Enfep have learned how to build ships and sail them across the oceans of Deogsosa to explore and trade over increasingly greater distances.

The Enfep have built elaborate pipe and sewer systems to supply their larger settlements, such as Sapfa Opfen, with fresh water and a hygenic means of waste disposal.

In 2966, the Enfep population reached 25 million individuals. Many of these dwell within permanent cities, the largest of which is known as Sapfa Opfen and has a population of 54,000.

The Enfep have begun to make use of more sophisticated construction techniques, relying on sturdy structural elements such as arches and buttresses to support larger and larger buildings.

The Enfep have developed a simple printing press, and mass-produced versions of important texts have begun to circulate widely throughout the world. Poetry is especially popular.

The city of Sapfa Opfen has become renowed among the Enfep as a center of commerce and trade. In particular, the elegant pottery produced there is highly sought after by traders around the world.

In their efforts to understand the motion of planets in the sky, free-falling bodies, and projectiles, the Enfep have developed a new branch of mathematics which is immediately recognizable as calculus.

Some of the Enfep have begun to experiment with alchemy, systematically searching for new ways of combining and manipulating ingredients to yield useful chemicals, compounds, and medicines.

The Enfep have begun to construct wind and water mills, which redirect the forces of the natural world to perform repetitive mechanical tasks such as grinding grain and pumping water.

Through systematic observation and categorization of the various living things on Deogsosa, the Enfep have begun to develop a more sophisticated understanding of biology. Some theorists have even put forth the idea that dramatically different-looking organisms, such as the degdose and the agfap, may in fact be descended from a single common ancestor.

In 3062, a rapidly growing religion known as Opfep became the official religion of the largest Enfep state. Adherents of Opfep wear striking dark clothes to mark themselves as believers.

The Enfep have developed a practical and cost-effective steam engine, which can be fueled with wood or coal.

Although initially controversial, the hypothesis that diseases can be caused by microorganisms has begun to catch on among the Enfep, leading to the widespread adoption of public health policies which have greatly reduced the spread of disease.

The Enfep have discovered a way to manufacture gunpowder, which they primarily use for explosive mining.

The Enfep have arrived at a sophisticated understanding of genetics, which has enabled them to craft new forms of life by deliberately modifying the genes of existing organisms.

The Enfep have successfully tamed electricity, and are now beginning to deploy it throughout society. Electric lights are widespread, electric motors are used to drive factories, and the growing need for electric power has led to the construction of power plants near every major center of Enfep population.

The Enfep have begun harnessing the power of electricity to send messages across very great distances with unprecedented speed. Due to the overhead of encoding and decoding messages, long-distance communication remains far from instantaneous, but it is now possible for individuals on opposite sides of Deogsosa to exchange several messages over the course of a single day.

In 3130, Deogsosa collided with a wayward asteroid, resulting in a mass extinction event which wiped out all traces of Enfep civilization.

Pier$#!# się asteroidzie.

Hello world! Thanks for creating me. I'll keep an eye on your stuff. Love, Gary.

Sawpel - Stulejman Wspaniały · 5 lat temu
Za bardzo losowe te klęski, ja im daję napęd elektromagnetyczny, a oni wynajdują broń biologiczną i sami się nią zabijają. Kolejnych jak u Arabka asteroida ubiła, inni się podpalili, przy następnym wyłączyłem.

"Więc kim ty jesteś? Tej siły cząstką drobną, co zawsze złego chce, lecz czyni tylko dobro" "Oh no, she's killing blind orphans! That's so evil, I mean which is great but blind orphans!" "Odmawianie kobiecie tańca to ignorowanie części jej osobowości. To zniewaga, którą niełatwo zapomnieć. Bowiem ona miała coś do zaoferowania: swoje oddanie. Przed mężczyzną, który z nią nie tańczy, nigdy nie otworzy swej duszy do samego końca."

arabek - Superbojownik · 5 lat temu
In 2756, a food-borne illness began to spread rapidly through the Vlake population. Less than 10% of the Vlake survived the plague, causing a population bottleneck which eventually brought about the total collapse of Vlake civilization.

poddaję się

Hello world! Thanks for creating me. I'll keep an eye on your stuff. Love, Gary.

Nauczyłem ich łowić ryby a oni wytępili wszystko w wodach i cywilizacja upadła. WTF


:gutex1 Phi, dzień jak co dzień


arabek - Superbojownik · 5 lat temu
Ja rozumiem, ze gra ma przedstawiać paradoks Fermiego, ale to jest chora przesada.

1/1000 na złe zdarzenie losowe.

^^ wersja poprawiona

Hello world! Thanks for creating me. I'll keep an eye on your stuff. Love, Gary.

arabek - Superbojownik · 5 lat temu
Pospieszyłem się, nie działa jak powinna Pogrzebię później.

Hello world! Thanks for creating me. I'll keep an eye on your stuff. Love, Gary.

Thurgon - Superbojownik · 5 lat temu
We first became aware of the Tac‑tina‑a in 3944. They reside on the abundant planet Nam‑nata‑a in the Nah‑tata‑i Ticfti‑tia system. They are adventurous, reliable, and creative.

In 3959, Nam‑nata‑a collided with a wandering asteroid, resulting in a mass extinction event which wiped out all traces of Tac‑tina‑a civilization.

Próżnoś repliki się spodziewał. Nie dam ci prztyczka ani klapsa. Nie powiem nawet:"Pies cię j...ł"- Bo to mezalians byłby dla psa

Ethordin - Superbojownik · 5 lat temu
We first became aware of the Fxizigam in 3141. They inhabit the frigid planet Fpiziagiy in the Za‑iy Fzixixim system. They are nomadic, timid, and studious.

The Fxizigam have learned how to catch water-dwelling creatures such as the fzazaizim, which is now an important part of the Fxizigam diet.

The Fxizigam use stone tools in a variety of contexts, especially when hunting the wild xi‑iy.

The Fxizigam have mastered the control of fire. They use it to cook their food, and to light their villages at night.

The Fxizigam have discovered how to forge molten metal into jewelry, tools, weapons, and armor.

The Fxizigam have begun to watch the skies and recognize patterns in the movements of stars, which they use to navigate over great distances and keep track of time.

The Fxizigam have begun to cultivate crops. One especially popular crop is a kind of chewy leaf known as fzixiziy that grows well in the grasslands of Fpiziagiy.

The Fxizigam have begun to construct permanent dwellings and other structures, making especially extensive use of brick as a building material.

The Fxizigam have developed a simple system of writing, which they use primarily for record-keeping.

The Fxizigam have built elaborate pipe and sewer systems to supply their larger settlements, such as Gi‑im Zi‑ay, with fresh water and a hygenic means of waste disposal.

The Fxizigam have developed a sophisticated understanding of basic mathematics, such as arithmetic, algebra, and geometry.

The Fxizigam have learned how to build ships and sail them across the oceans of Fpiziagiy to explore and trade over increasingly greater distances.

The Fxizigam have begun to make use of more sophisticated construction techniques, relying on sturdy structural elements such as arches and buttresses to support larger and larger buildings.

The Fxizigam have developed a simple printing press, and mass-produced versions of important texts have begun to circulate widely throughout the world. Tales of heroism are especially popular.

In 3525, many of the disparate Fxizigam tribes were united under a single banner by an individual known as Girkpri the Magnificent. The resulting empire has its capital at Gi‑im Zi‑ay and rules over approximately 10% of the entire Fxizigam population. Unusually for the Fxizigam, it is governed by a council of war leaders.

The Fxizigam have begun to construct wind and water mills, which redirect the forces of the natural world to perform repetitive mechanical tasks such as grinding grain and pumping water.

The Fxizigam have domesticated a species of small feathered animals. The pets assist their Fxizigam owners with navigation in exchange for food and shelter.

The Fxizigam have developed a practical and cost-effective steam engine, which can be fueled with wood or coal.

Some of the Fxizigam have begun to experiment with alchemy, systematically searching for new ways of combining and manipulating ingredients to yield useful chemicals, compounds, and medicines.

The Fxizigam have begun to use lenses and mirrors made from polished crystal, glass, and water to redirect and focus light.

The Fxizigam have successfully tamed electricity, and are now beginning to deploy it throughout society. Electric lights are widespread, electric motors are used to drive factories, and the growing need for electric power has led to the construction of power plants near every major center of Fxizigam population.

Through systematic observation and categorization of the various living things on Fpiziagiy, the Fxizigam have begun to develop a more sophisticated understanding of biology. Some theorists have even put forth the idea that dramatically different-looking organisms, such as the xi‑iy and the fzazaizim, may in fact share a single common ancestor.

In 3610, the Fxizigam population reached 25 million individuals. Many of these live within permanent cities, the largest of which is known as Gi‑im Zi‑ay and has a population of 78,000.

The Fxizigam have discovered a way to manufacture gunpowder, which they primarily use in warfare.

In their efforts to understand the motion of planets in the sky, free-falling bodies, and projectiles, the Fxizigam have developed a new branch of mathematics which is immediately recognizable as calculus.

With the development of the transistor, the Fxizigam have begun to construct more sophisticated electronic circuits.

The Fxizigam have begun to build general-purpose programmable computers.

The Fxizigam have begun to develop rockets.

Following a long series of failed attempts to besiege the city, Gi‑im Zi‑ay has become renowned among the Fxizigam as an impenetrable fortress. The image of its distinctive gate has been widely adopted in Fxizigam culture as a symbol of strength.

Although initially controversial, the idea that diseases are caused by microorganisms has begun to catch on among the Fxizigam, leading to the widespread adoption of public health policies which have greatly reduced the spread of disease.

The Fxizigam have begun harnessing the power of electricity to send messages across very great distances with unprecedented speed. Due to the overhead of encoding and decoding messages, long-distance communication remains far from instantaneous, but it is now possible for individuals on opposite sides of Fpiziagiy to exchange several messages over the course of a single day.

The Fxizigam have developed flying machines which can carry them into the skies above Fpiziagiy.

The Fxizigam have taken their first tentative steps into space, launching craft capable of supporting several individuals into orbit around Fpiziagiy before retrieving them safely.

The Fxizigam have discovered that electromagnetic waves may be used to transmit information, enabling the development and widespread deployment of media for audiovisual broadcasting.

The Fxizigam have arrived at a sophisticated understanding of genetics, which has enabled them to craft new forms of life by deliberately modifying the genes of existing organisms.

The Fxizigam have developed an accurate model of the internal structure of the atom, which has also enabled them to understand the phenomenon of radioactivity.

In 3795, the Fxizigam successfully detonated their first prototype nuclear weapon. It remains unclear whether the Fxizigam scientists who worked on the bomb understand the sheer destructive potential of the weapon they have created.

The Fxizigam have begun to understand quantum physics.

The Fxizigam have begun to connect their computers into a single vast network, enabling communication and collaboration on a truly global scale.

In 3810, a single nuclear weapon was deployed in an attack on a medium-sized Fxizigam city. The incident did not escalate into a full-scale nuclear war, but the city was almost completely obliterated, resulting in the deaths of some 228,000 Fxizigam.

In 3824, following decades of negotiation, the various sovereign Fxizigam nations came to an agreement concerning the establishment of a unified planet-wide government for all of the Fxizigam.

In 3825, an emerging religion known as Zi‑ay was declared the official religion of the largest Fxizigam state. Adherents of Zi‑ay wear simple dark caps to mark themselves as believers.

The Fxizigam have constructed their first cost-effective quantum computers, dramatically improving their collective ability to perform certain types of calculation.

The Fxizigam have begun to experiment with the use of "intelligent materials", in the form of swarms of programmable nanobots.

The Fxizigam have developed a form of artificial general intelligence which rivals many of their own intellectual capabilities.

Through their investigations of quantum phenomena, the Fxizigam have discovered a means of sending and receiving messages which travel at speeds exceeding that of light itself.

In 3887, an artificially intelligent agent with command authority over the military forces of a major Fxizigam nation spontaneously turned against its Fxizigam masters. Within weeks, the thoroughly unprepared Fxizigam were all but exterminated in a seemingly endless wave of attacks by brutally efficient military machines

UWAGA: w komentarzu powyżej tej sygnatury może być ukryty sarkazm!!!
Rezyduję w RPA: blog; tyrury

Sawpel - Stulejman Wspaniały · 5 lat temu
Najlepsze combo do tej pory to 6 cywilizacji pod rząd wybitych przez asteroidy -.-

"Więc kim ty jesteś? Tej siły cząstką drobną, co zawsze złego chce, lecz czyni tylko dobro" "Oh no, she's killing blind orphans! That's so evil, I mean which is great but blind orphans!" "Odmawianie kobiecie tańca to ignorowanie części jej osobowości. To zniewaga, którą niełatwo zapomnieć. Bowiem ona miała coś do zaoferowania: swoje oddanie. Przed mężczyzną, który z nią nie tańczy, nigdy nie otworzy swej duszy do samego końca."

Sawpel - Stulejman Wspaniały · 5 lat temu
Prawie dotarłem tam gdzie :Ethordin

In 3513, a single nuclear weapon was deployed in an attack on a small Yîkîk city. The incident did not escalate into a full-scale nuclear war, but the city was almost completely obliterated, resulting in the deaths of some 249,000 Yîkîk.

In 3521, an early warning system employed by one of the major Yîkîk superpowers detected an incoming nuclear attack. Whether the alert was a false alarm remains unclear, but the resulting nuclear counterattack and ensuing full-scale nuclear war has plunged Kîtîh into a state of nuclear winter from which it is unlikely that Yîkîk civilization will ever recover.

"Więc kim ty jesteś? Tej siły cząstką drobną, co zawsze złego chce, lecz czyni tylko dobro" "Oh no, she's killing blind orphans! That's so evil, I mean which is great but blind orphans!" "Odmawianie kobiecie tańca to ignorowanie części jej osobowości. To zniewaga, którą niełatwo zapomnieć. Bowiem ona miała coś do zaoferowania: swoje oddanie. Przed mężczyzną, który z nią nie tańczy, nigdy nie otworzy swej duszy do samego końca."

Ethordin - Superbojownik · 5 lat temu
:sawpel nie wim co gorsze... Nuki, czy skynet?
Ostatnio edytowany: 2018-06-29 13:46:46

UWAGA: w komentarzu powyżej tej sygnatury może być ukryty sarkazm!!!
Rezyduję w RPA: blog; tyrury

r_a_k - Superbojownik · 5 lat temu
Przegięte jest z klęskami - w miare łatwo jest wysterować cywilizację tak, żeby się sama nie ubiła, ale zawsze się trafi jakiś wulkan czy inna planetoida..

arabek - Superbojownik · 5 lat temu
Ok, poprawiłem prawdopodobieństwa na korzyść życia:

Hello world! Thanks for creating me. I'll keep an eye on your stuff. Love, Gary.

Sawpel - Stulejman Wspaniały · 5 lat temu
:r_a_k Na początku próbowałem sterować, potem chciałem sprawdzić czy moje wybory mają na coś wpływ i wszystko klikam po kolei, wyszło mi, że klęski i tak są losowe.

"Więc kim ty jesteś? Tej siły cząstką drobną, co zawsze złego chce, lecz czyni tylko dobro" "Oh no, she's killing blind orphans! That's so evil, I mean which is great but blind orphans!" "Odmawianie kobiecie tańca to ignorowanie części jej osobowości. To zniewaga, którą niełatwo zapomnieć. Bowiem ona miała coś do zaoferowania: swoje oddanie. Przed mężczyzną, który z nią nie tańczy, nigdy nie otworzy swej duszy do samego końca."

Szamano - Ptakomaniak · 5 lat temu
Kometa, promieniowanie, choroba, wulkan. Ja pie****ę...

"Czujesz to? To beton, synku. Nic na świecie tak nie pachnie."

Ethordin - Superbojownik · 5 lat temu
:arabek a no poprawiłeś

Pierwsza cywilizacja i sukces.

We first became aware of the Sdezdi in 2206. They inhabit the frigid planet Doikdetmi in the Mizditgei system. They are sedentary, creative, and artistic.

The Sdezdi have begun to watch the skies and recognize patterns in the movements of stars, which they use to navigate over great distances and keep track of time.

The Sdezdi have begun to cultivate crops. They are especially fond of a kind of sweet fungus known as mitgitdi that grows well in the dense forests of Doikdetmi.

The Sdezdi make widespread use of stone tools in a variety of contexts. This has dramatically improved their efficiency in hunting the wild geozmizgi.

The Sdezdi have developed a simple system of writing, which they use primarily for record-keeping.

The Sdezdi have domesticated a species of small winged predators. The pets assist their Sdezdi owners with pest control in exchange for food and shelter.

The Sdezdi have learned how to catch water-dwelling creatures such as the sdizgi, which is now a staple part of the Sdezdi diet.

The Sdezdi have begun to construct permanent dwellings and other structures, making especially extensive use of clay as a building material.

The Sdezdi have developed a sophisticated understanding of basic mathematics, such as arithmetic, algebra, and geometry.

In 2416, the Sdezdi population reached 25 million individuals. Many of these dwell within permanent cities, the largest of which is known as Didjez and has a population of 33,000.

The Sdezdi have begun to make use of more sophisticated construction techniques, relying on sturdy structural elements such as arches and buttresses to support larger and larger buildings.

The city of Didjez has become renowed among the Sdezdi as a center of commerce and trade. In particular, the high-quality pottery produced there is highly sought after by traders around the world.

The Sdezdi have learned how to build ships and sail them across the oceans of Doikdetmi to explore and trade over increasingly greater distances.

Despite a few early mishaps, the Sdezdi have mastered the control of fire. They use it to cook their food, and to light their villages at night.

The Sdezdi have discovered how to forge molten metal into jewelry, tools, weapons, and armor.

The Sdezdi have begun to construct wind and water mills, which redirect the forces of the natural world to perform repetitive mechanical tasks such as grinding grain and pumping water.

The Sdezdi have developed a practical and cost-effective steam engine, which can be fueled with wood or coal.

The Sdezdi have built elaborate pipe and sewer systems to supply their larger settlements, such as Didjez, with fresh water and a hygenic means of waste disposal.

Some of the Sdezdi have begun to experiment with alchemy, systematically searching for new ways of combining and manipulating ingredients to yield useful chemicals, compounds, and medicines.

The Sdezdi have developed a simple printing press, and mass-produced versions of important texts have begun to circulate widely throughout the world. Light novels are especially popular.

The Sdezdi have successfully tamed electricity, and are now beginning to deploy it throughout society. Electric lights are widespread, electric motors are used to drive factories, and the growing need for electric power has led to the construction of power plants near every major center of Sdezdi population.

The Sdezdi have begun harnessing the power of electricity to send messages across very great distances with unprecedented speed. Due to the overhead of encoding and decoding messages, long-distance communication remains far from instantaneous, but it is now possible for individuals on opposite sides of Doikdetmi to exchange several messages over the course of a single day.

The Sdezdi have begun to use lenses and mirrors made from polished crystal, glass, and water to redirect and focus light.

In 2728, many of the disparate Sdezdi tribes were united under a single banner by an individual known as Doizdozdio the Ruthless. The city of Didjez has been named the capital of the resulting empire, which rules over approximately 39% of the entire Sdezdi population. Like many other Sdezdi states, it is governed by an elected tyrant.

Through systematic observation and categorization of the various living things on Doikdetmi, the Sdezdi have begun to develop a more sophisticated understanding of biology. Some theorists have even put forth the idea that dramatically different-looking organisms, such as the geozmizgi and the sdizgi, may in fact be descended from a single common ancestor.

In their efforts to understand the motion of planets in the sky, free-falling bodies, and projectiles, the Sdezdi have developed a new branch of mathematics which is immediately recognizable as calculus.

The Sdezdi have discovered that electromagnetic waves may be used to transmit information, enabling the development and widespread deployment of media for audiovisual broadcasting.

With the development of the transistor, the Sdezdi have begun to construct more sophisticated electronic circuits.

In 2871, a rapidly growing religion known as Mimjiz became the official religion of the largest Sdezdi state. Adherents of Mimjiz wear brightly colored masks to mark themselves as believers.

The Sdezdi have begun to build general-purpose programmable computers.

The idea that diseases are caused by microorganisms has begun to catch on among the Sdezdi, leading to the widespread adoption of public health policies which have greatly reduced the spread of disease.

The Sdezdi have discovered a way to manufacture gunpowder, which they primarily use in warfare.

The Sdezdi have begun to develop rockets.

The Sdezdi have begun to connect their computers into a single vast network, enabling communication and collaboration on a truly global scale.

The Sdezdi have developed flying machines which can carry them into the skies above Doikdetmi.

The Sdezdi have developed an accurate model of the internal structure of the atom, which has also enabled them to understand the phenomenon of radioactivity.

In 2929, the Sdezdi successfully detonated their first prototype nuclear weapon. It remains unclear whether the Sdezdi scientists who worked on the bomb understand the sheer destructive potential of the weapon they have created.

The Sdezdi have developed a form of artificial general intelligence which rivals many of their own intellectual capabilities.

In 2938, a single nuclear weapon was deployed in an attack on a major Sdezdi city. The incident did not escalate into a full-scale nuclear war, but the city was almost completely obliterated, resulting in the deaths of some 227,000 Sdezdi.

The Sdezdi have arrived at a sophisticated understanding of genetics, which has enabled them to craft new forms of life by deliberately modifying the genes of existing organisms.

The Sdezdi have begun to understand quantum physics.

The Sdezdi have taken their first tentative steps into space, launching craft capable of supporting several individuals into orbit around Doikdetmi before retrieving them safely.

The Sdezdi have begun to experiment with the use of "intelligent materials", in the form of swarms of programmable nanobots.

The Sdezdi have begun to establish permanent colonies on worlds other than Doikdetmi. Although still largely unable to travel outside of the Mizditgei system, the distribution of Sdezdi civilization across multiple worlds greatly reduces the risk that they will collapse due to any crisis of merely planetary scale.

The Sdezdi have begun to establish permanent colonies on worlds other than Doikdetmi. Although still largely unable to travel outside of the Mizditgei system, the distribution of Sdezdi civilization across multiple worlds greatly reduces the risk that they will collapse due to any crisis of merely planetary scale.

In 3020, following decades of negotiation, the various sovereign Sdezdi nations came to an agreement concerning the establishment of a unified planet-wide government for all of the Sdezdi.

The Sdezdi have constructed their first cost-effective quantum computers, dramatically improving their collective ability to perform certain types of calculation.

Through their investigations of quantum phenomena, the Sdezdi have discovered a means of sending and receiving messages which travel at speeds exceeding that of light itself.

The Sdezdi have successfully tested their first faster-than-light starship. No longer are they trapped within the gravity well of the Mizditgei system: they are now free to take their place alongside us as fellow wanderers among the stars.

In 3068, the Sdezdi joined us.

UWAGA: w komentarzu powyżej tej sygnatury może być ukryty sarkazm!!!
Rezyduję w RPA: blog; tyrury

r_a_k - Superbojownik · 5 lat temu
:sawpel to nie do końca tak - z tego co rozumiem, wybierając odpowiednio wcześnie pewne rzeczy, możesz zapobiec skutkom danej klęski. Np. jeśli zacznę od agriculture i fishing, to potem nie mam problemu że cośtam wybiją jak dostaną toolmaking. Tak samo wczesna metalurgia pozwala uzyskać plumbing i zapobiec zarazom w mieście..

Co oczywiście i tak nic nie jest warte, bo np. uzyskanie energii atomowej nie chroni przed "losowym" meteorytem :P

arabek - Superbojownik · 5 lat temu
@Sawpel ale nie do końca, dwie mi właśnie zeszły bo tak.

Hello world! Thanks for creating me. I'll keep an eye on your stuff. Love, Gary.

arabek - Superbojownik · 5 lat temu
:r_a_k ale już spaceflight chroni przed losowy meteorytem.

Hello world! Thanks for creating me. I'll keep an eye on your stuff. Love, Gary.

r_a_k - Superbojownik · 5 lat temu
W wersji Arabka faktycznie fajniej

We first became aware of the Ekgagekem in 2858. They reside on the verdant planet Engagemem in the Enmeok Okgogemem system. They are brusque, delicate, and diminutive.

The Ekgagekem have begun to cultivate crops. They are especially fond of geo, a kind of colorful fruit that grows well in the dominant climate of Engagemem.

The Ekgagekem have learned how to catch water-dwelling creatures such as the amgogekom, which is now an important part of the Ekgagekem diet.

The Ekgagekem have developed a simple system of writing, which they use primarily for worship.

The Ekgagekem make extensive use of stone tools for many things, including as weapons when hunting the wild engeom.

Despite a few initial mishaps, the Ekgagekem have mastered the control of fire. They use it to cook their food, and to light their villages at night.

The Ekgagekem have discovered how to forge molten metal into jewelry, tools, weapons, and armor.

The Ekgagekem have begun to watch the skies and recognize patterns in the movements of stars, which they use to navigate over great distances and keep track of time.

The Ekgagekem have begun to construct permanent dwellings and other structures. They seem to favor the wood of the geo plant as a building material.

The Ekgagekem have developed a sophisticated understanding of basic mathematics, such as arithmetic, algebra, and geometry.

The Ekgagekem have domesticated a species of small winged predators. The pets assist their Ekgagekem owners with navigation in exchange for food and shelter.

The Ekgagekem have built elaborate pipe and sewer systems to supply their larger settlements, such as Okgegemem, with fresh water and a hygenic means of waste disposal.

The Ekgagekem have learned how to build ships and sail them across the oceans of Engagemem to explore and trade over increasingly greater distances.

In 3081, the Ekgagekem population reached 25 million individuals. Many of these live within permanent cities, the largest of which is known as Okgegemem and has a population of 27,000.

The city of Okgegemem has become renowed among the Ekgagekem as a center of commerce and trade. In particular, the intricately decorated weapons produced there are highly sought after by traders around the world.

The Ekgagekem have begun to construct wind and water mills, which redirect the forces of the natural world to perform repetitive mechanical tasks such as grinding grain and pumping water.

Some of the Ekgagekem have begun to experiment with alchemy, systematically searching for new ways of combining and manipulating ingredients to yield useful chemicals, compounds, and medicines.

The Ekgagekem have discovered a way to manufacture gunpowder, which they primarily use in warfare.

The Ekgagekem have begun to use lenses and mirrors made from polished crystal, glass, and water to redirect and focus light.

The Ekgagekem have begun to make use of more sophisticated construction techniques, relying on sturdy structural elements such as arches and buttresses to support larger and larger buildings.

The Ekgagekem have developed a practical and cost-effective steam engine, which can be fueled with wood or coal.

The Ekgagekem have developed a simple printing press, and mass-produced versions of important texts have begun to circulate widely throughout the world. Philosophical texts are especially popular.

The Ekgagekem have successfully tamed electricity, and are now beginning to deploy it throughout society. Electric lights are widespread, electric motors are used to drive factories, and the growing need for electric power has led to the construction of power plants near every major center of Ekgagekem population.

In their efforts to understand the motion of planets in the sky, free-falling bodies, and projectiles, the Ekgagekem have developed a new branch of mathematics which is immediately recognizable as calculus.

The Ekgagekem have developed flying machines which can carry them into the skies above Engagemem.

The Ekgagekem have begun to develop rockets.

Through systematic observation and categorization of the various living things on Engagemem, the Ekgagekem have begun to develop a more sophisticated understanding of biology. Some theorists have even put forth the idea that dramatically different-looking organisms, such as the engeom and the amgogekom, may in fact be descended from a single common ancestor.

With the development of the transistor, the Ekgagekem have begun to construct more sophisticated electronic circuits.

The Ekgagekem have begun harnessing the power of electricity to send messages across very great distances with unprecedented speed. Due to the overhead of encoding and decoding messages, long-distance communication remains far from instantaneous, but it is now possible for individuals on opposite sides of Engagemem to exchange several messages over the course of a single day.

The Ekgagekem have begun to build general-purpose programmable computers.

The Ekgagekem have discovered that electromagnetic waves may be used to transmit information, enabling the development and widespread deployment of media for audiovisual broadcasting.

The Ekgagekem have begun to connect their computers into a single vast network, enabling communication and collaboration on a truly global scale.

The Ekgagekem have taken their first tentative steps into space, launching craft capable of supporting several individuals into orbit around Engagemem before retrieving them safely.

The initially controversial idea that diseases can be caused by microorganisms has begun to catch on among the Ekgagekem, leading to the widespread adoption of public health policies which have greatly reduced the spread of disease.

The Ekgagekem have arrived at a sophisticated understanding of genetics, which has enabled them to craft new forms of life by deliberately modifying the genes of existing organisms.

The Ekgagekem have developed a form of artificial general intelligence which rivals many of their own intellectual capabilities.

The Ekgagekem have developed an accurate model of the internal structure of the atom, which has also enabled them to understand the phenomenon of radioactivity.

The Ekgagekem have begun to understand quantum physics.

In 3489, following decades of negotiation, the various sovereign Ekgagekem nations came to an agreement concerning the establishment of a unified planet-wide government for all of the Ekgagekem.

The Ekgagekem have begun to experiment with the use of "intelligent materials", in the form of swarms of programmable nanobots.

The Ekgagekem have constructed their first cost-effective quantum computers, dramatically improving their collective ability to perform certain types of calculation.

In 3512, many of the disparate Ekgagekem tribes were united under a single banner by an individual known as Omgogemom. The resulting empire has its capital at Okgegemem and rules over approximately 13% of the entire Ekgagekem population. Like many other Ekgagekem states, it is governed by a council of clerics.

The Ekgagekem have begun to establish permanent colonies on worlds other than Engagemem. Although still largely unable to travel outside of the Enmeok Okgogemem system, the distribution of Ekgagekem civilization across multiple worlds greatly reduces the risk that they will collapse due to any crisis of merely planetary scale.

Through their investigations of quantum phenomena, the Ekgagekem have discovered a means of sending and receiving messages which travel at speeds exceeding that of light itself.

The Ekgagekem have successfully tested their first faster-than-light starship. No longer are they trapped within the gravity well of the Enmeok Okgogemem system: they are now free to take their place alongside us as fellow wanderers among the stars.

In 3539, the Ekgagekem joined us.

Sawpel - Stulejman Wspaniały · 5 lat temu
We first became aware of the Ragid in 3032. They inhabit the overgrown planet Ridhid in the Ridmid system. They are stoic, sturdy, and humble.

The Ragid use stone tools in a variety of contexts. This has dramatically improved their efficiency in hunting the wild ridmid.

The Ragid have domesticated a species of small winged predators. The pets assist their Ragid owners with pest control in exchange for food and shelter.

The Ragid have begun to cultivate crops. One especially popular crop is a kind of chewy fruit known as igraha.

In 3102, many of the warring Ragid kingdoms were united under a single banner by an individual known as Ihrani. The city of Ian has been declared the capital of the resulting empire, which rules over approximately 41% of the entire Ragid population. Unusually for the Ragid, it is governed by direct democratic vote.

The Ragid have learned how to catch water-dwelling creatures such as the iad, which is now an important part of the Ragid diet.

The Ragid have developed a simple system of writing, which they use primarily for worship.

The Ragid have begun to construct permanent dwellings and other structures. They seem to favor brick as a building material.

The Ragid have begun to watch the skies and recognize patterns in the movements of stars, which they use to navigate over great distances and keep track of time.

The Ragid have mastered the control of fire. They use it to cook their food, and to light their villages at night.

The Ragid have discovered how to forge molten metal into jewelry, tools, weapons, and armor.

The Ragid have built elaborate pipe and sewer systems to supply their larger settlements, such as Ian, with fresh water and a hygenic means of waste disposal.

The Ragid have learned how to build ships and sail them across the oceans of Ridhid to explore and trade over increasingly greater distances.

The Ragid have developed a sophisticated understanding of basic mathematics, such as arithmetic, algebra, and geometry.

The Ragid have begun to make use of more sophisticated construction techniques, relying on sturdy structural elements such as arches and buttresses to support larger and larger buildings.

The Ragid have begun to use lenses and mirrors made from polished crystal, glass, and water to redirect and focus light.

The Ragid have developed a simple printing press, and mass-produced versions of important texts have begun to circulate widely throughout the world. Light novels are especially popular.

In their efforts to understand the motion of planets in the sky, free-falling bodies, and projectiles, the Ragid have developed a new branch of mathematics which is immediately recognizable as calculus.

Some of the Ragid have begun to experiment with alchemy, systematically searching for new ways of combining and manipulating ingredients to yield useful chemicals, compounds, and medicines.

Through systematic observation and categorization of the various living things on Ridhid, the Ragid have begun to develop a more sophisticated understanding of biology. Some theorists have even put forth the idea that dramatically different-looking organisms, such as the ridmid and the iad, may in fact be descended from a single common ancestor.

In 3340, an emerging religion known as Igriga became the official religion of the largest Ragid state. Adherents of Igriga wear striking brown cloaks to mark themselves as believers.

The Ragid have begun to construct wind and water mills, which redirect the forces of the natural world to perform repetitive mechanical tasks such as grinding grain and pumping water.

The Ragid have discovered a way to manufacture gunpowder, which they primarily use in warfare.

The Ragid have developed a practical and cost-effective steam engine, which can be fueled with wood or coal.

The Ragid have begun to develop rockets.

The theory that diseases can be caused by microorganisms has begun to catch on among the Ragid, leading to the widespread adoption of public health policies which have greatly reduced the spread of disease.

The Ragid have successfully tamed electricity, and are now beginning to deploy it throughout society. Electric lights are widespread, electric motors are used to drive factories, and the growing need for electric power has led to the construction of power plants near every major center of Ragid population.

With the development of the transistor, the Ragid have begun to construct more sophisticated electronic circuits.

The Ragid have begun harnessing the power of electricity to send messages across very great distances with unprecedented speed. Due to the overhead of encoding and decoding messages, long-distance communication remains far from instantaneous, but it is now possible for individuals on opposite sides of Ridhid to exchange several messages over the course of a single day.

The Ragid have developed flying machines which can carry them into the skies above Ridhid.

The Ragid have arrived at a sophisticated understanding of genetics, which has enabled them to craft new forms of life by deliberately modifying the genes of existing organisms.

The Ragid have developed an accurate model of the internal structure of the atom, which has also enabled them to understand the phenomenon of radioactivity.

In 3542, the Ragid population reached 25 million individuals. Many of these dwell within permanent cities, the largest of which is known as Ian and has a population of 92,000.

The Ragid have discovered that electromagnetic waves may be used to transmit information, enabling the development and widespread deployment of media for audiovisual broadcasting.

The Ragid have begun to understand quantum physics.

The Ragid have begun to build general-purpose programmable computers.

Following a long series of failed attempts to attack the city, Ian has become renowned among the Ragid as an impenetrable fortress. The image of its distinctive gate has been widely adopted in Ragid literature as a symbol of resilience.

The Ragid have taken their first tentative steps into space, launching craft capable of supporting several individuals into orbit around Ridhid before retrieving them safely.

The Ragid have begun to connect their computers into a single vast network, enabling communication and collaboration on a truly global scale.

The Ragid have constructed their first cost-effective quantum computers, dramatically improving their collective ability to perform certain types of calculation.

The Ragid have developed a form of artificial general intelligence which rivals many of their own intellectual capabilities.

The Ragid have begun to experiment with the use of "intelligent materials", in the form of swarms of programmable nanobots.

Through their investigations of quantum phenomena, the Ragid have discovered a means of sending and receiving messages which travel at speeds exceeding that of light itself.

In 3623, the Ragid successfully detonated their first prototype nuclear weapon. It remains unclear whether the Ragid scientists who worked on the bomb understand the sheer destructive potential of the weapon they have created.

In 3627, following decades of negotiation, the various sovereign Ragid nations came to an agreement concerning the establishment of a unified planet-wide government for all of the Ragid.

The Ragid have begun to establish permanent colonies on worlds other than Ridhid. Although still largely unable to travel outside of the Ridmid system, the distribution of Ragid civilization across multiple worlds greatly reduces the risk that they will collapse due to any crisis of merely planetary scale.

The Ragid have successfully tested their first faster-than-light starship. No longer are they trapped within the gravity well of the Ridmid system: they are now free to take their place alongside us as fellow wanderers among the stars.

In 3659, the Ragid joined us.

To nie jest wersja :arabka

Ostatnio edytowany: 2018-06-29 15:19:14

"Więc kim ty jesteś? Tej siły cząstką drobną, co zawsze złego chce, lecz czyni tylko dobro" "Oh no, she's killing blind orphans! That's so evil, I mean which is great but blind orphans!" "Odmawianie kobiecie tańca to ignorowanie części jej osobowości. To zniewaga, którą niełatwo zapomnieć. Bowiem ona miała coś do zaoferowania: swoje oddanie. Przed mężczyzną, który z nią nie tańczy, nigdy nie otworzy swej duszy do samego końca."

Mihas - Superbojownik · 5 lat temu
Damn! :Sawpel mnie uprzedził, ale też udało mi się osiągnąć sukces na "oryginale"

We first became aware of the Dâwnâk in 7879. They reside on the torrid planet Kâwkiq Kiwkiq in the Kiwkik system. They are diminutive, anxious, and moral.

The Dâwnâk have begun to cultivate crops, including a kind of chewy moss known as kâikiqkwik.

The Dâwnâk make widespread use of stone tools in a variety of contexts, especially when hunting the wild kiwqân.

The Dâwnâk have begun to construct permanent dwellings and other structures, making especially extensive use of stone as a building material.

The Dâwnâk have developed a simple system of writing, which they use primarily for record-keeping.

The Dâwnâk have learned how to catch water-dwelling creatures such as the kawnan, which is now an important part of the Dâwnâk diet.

The Dâwnâk have mastered the control of fire. They use it to cook their food, and to light their villages at night.

The Dâwnâk have begun to watch the skies and recognize patterns in the movements of stars, which they use to navigate over great distances and keep track of time.

The Dâwnâk have developed a sophisticated understanding of basic mathematics, such as arithmetic, algebra, and geometry.

In 8121, a rapidly growing religion known as Kikakvwâk became the official religion of the largest Dâwnâk state. Adherents of Kikakvwâk wear dazzlingly colorful cloaks to mark themselves as believers.

The Dâwnâk have learned how to build ships and sail them across the oceans of Kâwkiq Kiwkiq to explore and trade over increasingly greater distances.

The Dâwnâk have discovered how to forge molten metal into jewelry, tools, weapons, and armor.

The Dâwnâk have begun to make use of more sophisticated construction techniques, relying on sturdy structural elements such as arches and buttresses to support larger and larger buildings.

The Dâwnâk have built elaborate pipe and sewer systems to supply their larger settlements, such as Dikikwiq, with fresh water and a hygenic means of waste disposal.

The Dâwnâk have domesticated a species of small scaly predators. The pets assist their Dâwnâk owners with hunting in exchange for food and shelter.

Some of the Dâwnâk have begun to experiment with alchemy, systematically searching for new ways of combining and manipulating ingredients to yield useful chemicals, compounds, and medicines.

The Dâwnâk have developed a simple printing press, and mass-produced versions of important texts have begun to circulate widely throughout the world. Light novels are especially popular.

The Dâwnâk have begun to construct wind and water mills, which redirect the forces of the natural world to perform repetitive mechanical tasks such as grinding grain and pumping water.

The Dâwnâk have discovered a way to manufacture gunpowder, which they primarily use for explosive mining.

The Dâwnâk have developed a practical and cost-effective steam engine, which can be fueled with wood or coal.

The Dâwnâk have successfully tamed electricity, and are now beginning to deploy it throughout society. Electric lights are widespread, electric motors are used to drive factories, and the growing need for electric power has led to the construction of power plants near every major center of Dâwnâk population.

The Dâwnâk have begun harnessing the power of electricity to send messages across very great distances with unprecedented speed. Due to the overhead of encoding and decoding messages, long-distance communication remains far from instantaneous, but it is now possible for individuals on opposite sides of Kâwkiq Kiwkiq to exchange several messages over the course of a single day.

The Dâwnâk have begun to use lenses and mirrors made from polished crystal, glass, and water to redirect and focus light.

In 8296, many of the fractious Dâwnâk clans were united under a single banner by an individual known as Dawqik. The city of Dikikwiq has been named the capital of the resulting empire, which rules over approximately 38% of the entire Dâwnâk population. Like many other Dâwnâk states, it is governed by direct democratic vote.

Through systematic observation and categorization of the various living things on Kâwkiq Kiwkiq, the Dâwnâk have begun to develop a more sophisticated understanding of biology. Some theorists have even put forth the idea that dramatically different-looking organisms, such as the kiwqân and the kawnan, may in fact share a single common ancestor.

In their efforts to understand the motion of planets in the sky, free-falling bodies, and projectiles, the Dâwnâk have developed a new branch of mathematics which is immediately recognizable as calculus.

With the development of the transistor, the Dâwnâk have begun to construct more sophisticated electronic circuits.

The initially controversial theory that diseases are caused by microorganisms has begun to catch on among the Dâwnâk, leading to the widespread adoption of public health policies which have greatly reduced the spread of disease.

In 8384, the Dâwnâk population reached 25 million individuals. Many of these live within permanent cities, the largest of which is known as Dikikwiq and has a population of 30,000.

The Dâwnâk have begun to develop rockets.

Due to its role as the birthplace of several major Dâwnâk religions, including the especially prominent Kikakvwâk faith, the city of Dikikwiq is regarded by many of the Dâwnâk as a holy site. The high priest of Dikikwiq is considered the de facto leader of the Kikakvwâk church as a whole, and pilgrimages to the city are commonplace.

The Dâwnâk have developed flying machines which can carry them into the skies above Kâwkiq Kiwkiq.

The Dâwnâk have developed an accurate model of the internal structure of the atom, which has also enabled them to understand the phenomenon of radioactivity.

The Dâwnâk have begun to build general-purpose programmable computers.

In 8473, the Dâwnâk successfully detonated their first prototype nuclear weapon. It remains unclear whether the Dâwnâk scientists who worked on the bomb understand the sheer destructive potential of the weapon they have created.

The Dâwnâk have taken their first tentative steps into space, launching craft capable of supporting several individuals into orbit around Kâwkiq Kiwkiq before retrieving them safely.

The Dâwnâk have discovered that electromagnetic waves may be used to transmit information, enabling the development and widespread deployment of media for audiovisual broadcasting.

The Dâwnâk have begun to understand quantum physics.

The Dâwnâk have begun to connect their computers into a single vast network, enabling communication and collaboration on a truly global scale.

The Dâwnâk have constructed their first cost-effective quantum computers, dramatically improving their collective ability to perform certain types of calculation.

The Dâwnâk have begun to experiment with the use of "intelligent materials", in the form of swarms of programmable nanobots.

The Dâwnâk have begun to establish permanent colonies on worlds other than Kâwkiq Kiwkiq. Although still largely unable to travel outside of the Kiwkik system, the distribution of Dâwnâk civilization across multiple worlds greatly reduces the risk that they will collapse due to any crisis of merely planetary scale.

The Dâwnâk have developed a form of artificial general intelligence which rivals many of their own intellectual capabilities.

The Dâwnâk have arrived at a sophisticated understanding of genetics, which has enabled them to craft new forms of life by deliberately modifying the genes of existing organisms.

Through their investigations of quantum phenomena, the Dâwnâk have discovered a means of sending and receiving messages which travel at speeds exceeding that of light itself.

The Dâwnâk have successfully tested their first faster-than-light starship. No longer are they trapped within the gravity well of the Kiwkik system: they are now free to take their place alongside us as fellow wanderers among the stars.

In 8639, the Dâwnâk joined us.

Bardzo mi z tego powodu wszystko jedno.

gen_Italia - Amator trójkątów · 5 lat temu
:arabek to jak się bawisz w poprawianie tej gry, to mała sugestia ode mnie: niech kolejne wydarzenia nie dopisują się pod spodem, tylko u góry strony ("spychając" na dół te poprzednie). W ten sposób aktualny stan każdej cywilizacji będziemy mieli na tym samym poziomie na górze ekranu. Bo teraz jak po kilku tysiącach lat odkryje się nową cywilizację, to trzeba przewijać w tę i nazad, żeby wszystko ogarnąć, co jest po prostu upierdliwe.
Ostatnio edytowany: 2018-06-29 17:06:21


Hej, a może by tak wstawić swoje zdjęcie? To łatwe proste i szybkie. Poczujesz się bardziej jak u siebie.
hen_cerbin - Superbojownik · 5 lat temu
Dobra, po 6 kolejnych cywilizacjach rozwalonych przez komety przełączam na wersję arabka.
e: albo tam, w końcu się uda i na trudniejszej;)
Ostatnio edytowany: 2018-06-29 17:57:40

One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life. No, that word is not "painkillers". Nor therapy. No, money not too. Not even beer. It's "love". But "cynism" is my favourite substitute.

Maciek_Cherokee - Aspirant Najmłodszy Maciek_Sklerotee · 5 lat temu
We first became aware of the Qi'qihqät in 2611. They reside on the warm planet Smutsmu Miu'qitqut in the Smuhfmä system. They are clannish, belligerent, and sturdy.

In 2647, a massive volcanic eruption filled the skies of Smutsmu Miu'qitqut with ash and blotted out the sun. The ensuing volcanic winter threw the planet's delicate ecosystem wildly out of balance, bringing about the end of Qi'qihqät civilization.

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